bash script to generate and setup nondistracting wallpapers on Linux
updWallp is a small bash based project which creates nondistracting (blured/dimmed and some other stuff) wallpapers for your linux computer out of your images/photos.
The basic idea is inspired by Muzei and Muzei to Bash.
updWallp offers 2 main operation modes.
In local-mode is using a random image from a user-supplied local folder to generate a blured & dimmed copy of it and sets the new created image as wallpaper.
In remote-mode (aka Muzei mode) it picks the muzei-picture-of-the-day from the internet, generates a blured & dimmed version of it and sets the new created image as wallpaper.
The image-modification relies on ImageMagick and is user-adjustable. Out of the box all output images of updWallp are blured and dimmed, in addition they might be grayscaled or sepia or colorized differently. They might be scaled to a user-defined width as well.
If you feel comfortable hacking the script you can go crazy and add tons of other parameters ImageMagick offers.
A second bash script ( offers the option to temporary toggle the wallpaper back to the original (non-blured & dimmed) version of the current wallpaper for x seconds.
The following source image
... results in the following output
local mode (operationMode=1) and normal (imageModificationMode=0)
local mode (operationMode=1) and grayscale (imageModificationMode=1)
local mode (operationMode=1) and sepia (imageModificationMode=2)
local mode (operationMode=1) and colorize (imageModificationMode=3)
local mode (operationMode=1) and level-colors (here: black and lightgreen) with (imageModificationMode=4)
Keep in mind that all parameters are changeable.
You need to set the operation mode to either local (1) or remote (2)<(p>
to something like this (for local mode)
and in case of local mode you have to define the local image source folder as well
to something like this
or via cron
*/30 * * * * /path/to/updWallp/ >/dev/null 2>&1