* @file xing_inject.js
* @fileOverview This module contains the inject code for the service xing
* @author yafp
* @namespace services
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
* @function serviceXingGetUnreadMessageCount
* @summary Gets the amount of unread messages of the service Xing
* @description Gets the amount of unread messages of the service Xing
* @memberof services
function serviceXingGetUnreadMessageCount () {
console.log('serviceXingGetUnreadMessageCount ::: Checking unread message count')
let count = 0
const notificationElement = document.querySelector('[data-update="unread_conversations"]')
notificationElement && "none" !== notificationElement.style.display && (count = parseInt(notificationElement.textContent.trim(), 10)), ipcRenderer.sendToHost(count.toString())
console.log('serviceXingGetUnreadMessageCount ::: Total Xing chats with unread messages: ' + count)
window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery')
let count = 0
count = $('span.IconWithBadge-IconWithBadge-notificationS-bdb20f8f').first().text()
console.log('serviceXingGetUnreadMessageCount ::: Total Xing chats with unread messages: ' + count)
return count.toString()
let count = null
// let notificationElement = document.querySelector(\'[data-update="unread_conversations"]\');
const notificationElement = document.querySelector("[data-update='unread_conversations']")
// if (notificationElement && notificationElement.style.display !== \'none\');
if (notificationElement && notificationElement.style.display !== 'none') {
count = parseInt(notificationElement.textContent.trim(), 10)
console.log('serviceXingGetUnreadMessageCount ::: Total Xing chats with unread messages: ' + count)
return count.toString()
ipcRenderer.on('request', function () {