
* @file Contains all renderer code
* @author yafp
* @namespace renderer

'use strict'

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const utils = require('./js/ttth/modules/utils.js')
const uscu = require('./js/ttth/modules/userServiceConfigUpdater.js')
// const crash = require('./js/ttth/modules/crashReporter.js') // crashReporter
const sentry = require('./js/ttth/modules/sentry.js') // sentry
const unhandled = require('./js/ttth/modules/unhandled.js') // electron-unhandled

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const customTitlebar = require('custom-electron-titlebar')

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let myTitlebar

// const appWideUserAgentDefault = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ttth Chrome/78.0.3904.130 Electron/7.1.8 Safari/537.36' // default agent
const appWideUserAgentDefault = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.130 Electron/7.1.8 Safari/537.36' // default agent

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// crash.initCrashReporter()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* @function titlebarInit
* @summary Init the titlebar for the frameless mainWindow
* @description Creates a custom titlebar for the mainWindow using custom-electron-titlebar (
* @memberof renderer
function titlebarInit () {
    myTitlebar = new customTitlebar.Titlebar({
        titleHorizontalAlignment: 'center', // position of window title
        icon: 'img/titlebar/icon_titlebar.png',
        drag: true, // whether or not you can drag the window by holding the click on the title bar.
        backgroundColor: customTitlebar.Color.fromHex('#171717'), // changes with each team
        minimizable: true,
        maximizable: true,
        closeable: true,
        unfocusEffect: false,
        itemBackgroundColor: customTitlebar.Color.fromHex('#525252') // hover color - changes with each theme

    // font size of custom-titlebar is set in /app/css/ttth/mainWindow.css

* @function titlebarUpdateBackground
* @summary Update the color of the custom titlebar
* @description Update the color of the custom titlebar
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} newColor - A hex color string
function titlebarUpdateBackground (newColor) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'titlebarUpdateBackground ::: Updated the titlebar background')

* @function titlebarUpdateItemBackGroundOnHover
* @summary Update the item background color of the custom titlebar
* @description Update the item background color of the custom titlebar
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} newColor - A hex color string
function titlebarUpdateItemBackgroundOnHover (newColor) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'titlebarUpdateItemBackgroundOnHover ::: Updated the item background on hover')

* @function titlebarDispose
* @summary Removes the custom titlbar
* @description Removes the custom titlbar. Shouldnt be used - as the UI looks broken then.
* @memberof renderer
function titlebarDispose () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'titlebarDispose ::: Disposed the entire titlebar')

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* @function switchToService
* @summary Activates a given service tab
* @description Activates the tab of a given service. Needed for handling DefaultView setting.
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} serviceName - Name of the service
function switchToService (serviceName) {
    $('#target_' + serviceName).trigger('click') // activate the related tab
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'switchToService ::: Switched to tab: _' + serviceName + '_.')

* @function writeLocalUserSetting
* @summary Write to electron-json-storage
* @description Writes a value for a given key to electron-json-storage
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} key - Name of storage key
* @param {string} value - New value
function writeLocalUserSetting (key, value) {
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')

    // write the user setting
    storage.set(key, { setting: value }, function (error) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'writeLocalUserSetting ::: Got an error while trying to write a user setting with key: _' + key + '_ and value: _' + value + '_. Error: ' + error)
            throw error
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'writeLocalUserSetting ::: key: _' + key + '_ - new value: _' + value + '_')
        utils.globalObjectSet(key, value) // Update the global object (to be in sync)

* @function loadDefaultView
* @summary Loads the default view
* @description Loads the default view. This is used on load of the .html
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} newDefaultView - the view which is defined as default view
function loadDefaultView (newDefaultView) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadDefaultView ::: Found configured default view: _' + newDefaultView + '_.')

* @function settingDefaultViewReset
* @summary Reset the stored default view
* @description Deletes the localstorage key 'settingDefaultview'
* @memberof renderer
function settingDefaultViewReset () {
    writeLocalUserSetting('settingDefaultView', false)
    $('#selectDefaultView').prop('selectedIndex', 0) // reset the selection of the select item
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingDefaultViewReset ::: Did reset the default view')

* @function settingActivateUserColorCss
* @summary Activates a css style
* @description Activates a css style / theme
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} cssStyleName - Name of the css file
function settingActivateUserColorCss (cssFile) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingActivateUserColorCss ::: Loading css file: _' + cssFile + '_.')

    // load custom css file
    $('<link/>', {
        rel: 'stylesheet',
        type: 'text/css',
        href: 'css/ttth/themes/' + cssFile

    // update color of custom-titlebar - see #156
    let titlebarBackGroundColor
    let titlebarItemBackGroundColor
    switch (cssFile) {
    case 'mainWindow_dark.css':
        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#171717'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#FFFFFF'

    case 'mainWindow_default.css':
        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#171717'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#32CD32'

    case 'mainWindow_dracula.css':
        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#282a36'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#ff79c6'

    case 'mainWindow_nord.css':
        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#5e81ac'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#FFFFFF'

    case 'mainWindow_snazzy.css':
        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#1a1c24'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#5af78e'

    case 'mainWindow_solarized_dark.css':
        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#002b36'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#FFFFFF'

    case 'mainWindow_solarized_light.css':
        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#eee8d5'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#FFFFFF'

        titlebarBackGroundColor = '#171717'
        titlebarItemBackGroundColor = '#FFFFFF'

    titlebarUpdateBackground(titlebarBackGroundColor) // update the titlebar
    titlebarUpdateItemBackgroundOnHover(titlebarItemBackGroundColor) // update the hover color for menu-items

* @function settingThemeUpdate
* @summary Updates which theme is selected
* @description Sets the new theme and activates a css style / theme
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingThemeUpdate () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const currentSelectedTheme = $('#selectTheme').val() // id of selected theme
    const currentSelectedThemeDisplayName = $('#selectTheme option:selected').text() // displayed theme name

    settingActivateUserColorCss(currentSelectedTheme) // activate the theme
    writeLocalUserSetting('settingTheme', currentSelectedTheme) // write Setting
    utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Theme</u> changed to " + currentSelectedThemeDisplayName + '.') // noty
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingThemeUpdate ::: Updating user selected css file to: _' + currentSelectedTheme + '_.') // log

* @function settingThemeReset
* @summary Resets the selected theme back to default
* @description Sets the new theme and activates a css style / theme
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingThemeReset () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    $('#selectTheme').prop('selectedIndex', 0) // reset the selection of the select item back to default
    const currentSelectedTheme = 'mainWindow_default.css'

    settingActivateUserColorCss(currentSelectedTheme) // load default theme
    writeLocalUserSetting('settingTheme', currentSelectedTheme) // write setting
    utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> Changed <b>Option:</b> <u>Theme</u> back to default.") // noty
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingThemeReset ::: Resetting user selected css file back to default: _' + currentSelectedTheme + '_.') // log

* @function readLocalUserSetting
* @summary Read from local storage
* @description Reads a value stored in local storage (for a given key)
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} key - Name of local storage key
* @param {boolean} [optional] - Boolean used for an ugly hack
function readLocalUserSetting (key, optional = false) {
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Trying to read value of key: ' + key)

    // read the json file
    storage.get(key, function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Got error while reading a json file with the name: _' + key + '_. Error: ' + error)
            throw error

        let value = data.setting // store the read value in a variable
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: key: _' + key + '_ - got value: _' + value + '_')

        // setting DefaultView (FIXME)
        if (key === 'settingDefaultView') {
            // no default view configured
            if (value === null) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: No default configured - Stay on settings-view')
            } else {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Found configured default view: ' + value)

                // check if the configured service is enabled or not
                let exists = false
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Check if configured default view is an enabled service or not')
                // Check if Dropdown contains the defined default view as enabled service
                $('#selectDefaultView option').each(function () {
                    if (this.value === value) {
                        exists = true
                        return false

                // if it exists
                if (exists) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Configured default view is valid')
                    $('#selectDefaultView').val(value) // Update UI select
                    loadDefaultView(value) // load the default view
                } else {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warning', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Fallback to default (setting-view)')
                    $('#selectDefaultView').prop('selectedIndex', 0) // reset the selection of the select item
                    settingDefaultViewReset() // delete the localstorage entry for defaultview
            utils.globalObjectSet('settingDefaultView', value) // update the global object

        // Setting Theme
        if (key === 'settingTheme') {
            // there is no config yet - create one
            if ((value === null) || (value === 'undefined') || (value === undefined)) {
                value = 'mainWindow_default.css'
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting Theme is undefined - going to fallback to default theme with the value: ' + value)
                writeLocalUserSetting('settingTheme', 'mainWindow_default.css') // introduced with #154
            } else {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: settingTheme is currently configured to: _' + value + '_.')
            utils.globalObjectSet('settingTheme', value) // update the global object
            $('#selectTheme').val(value) // Update UI select
        // End: Theme

        // Setting Autostart
        if (key === 'settingAutostart') {
            // there is no config yet - create one
            if (value === undefined) {
                writeLocalUserSetting('settingAutostart', false)
            } else {
                if (value === true) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting Autostart is configured')
                    $('#checkboxSettingAutostart').prop('checked', true)
                } else {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting Autostart is not configured')
                    $('#checkboxSettingAutostart').prop('checked', false)
                utils.globalObjectSet('settingAutostart', value) // update the global object
        // End: Autostart

        // Setting DisableTray (Linux specific)
        if (key === 'settingDisableTray') {
            // there is no config yet - create one
            if (value === undefined) {
                writeLocalUserSetting('settingDisableTray', false)
            } else {
                if (utils.isLinux()) {
                    if (value === true) {
                        const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
                        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting DisableTray is enabled')
                        $('#checkboxSettingDisableTray').prop('checked', true)
                    } else {
                        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting DisableTray is not enabled')
                } else {
                    $('#settingsSectionDisableTray').hide() // hide the entire setting on settingspage

                utils.globalObjectSet('settingDisableTray', value) // update the global object
        // End DisableTRay

        // Setting Urgent Window - #110
        if (key === 'settingUrgentWindow') {
            // there is no config yet - create one
            if (value === undefined) {
                writeLocalUserSetting('settingUrgentWindow', true)
            } else {
                if (value === true) {
                    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
                    $('#checkboxSettingUrgentWindow').prop('checked', true)
                    if (optional === true) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting UrgentWindow is enabled')

                utils.globalObjectSet('settingUrgentWindow', value) // update the global object
        // End: Urgent Window

        // Setting: ErrorReporting
        if (key === 'settingEnableErrorReporting') {
            // there is no config yet - create one
            if (value === undefined) {
                writeLocalUserSetting('settingEnableErrorReporting', true)
            } else {
                if (value === false) {
                    $('#checkboxSettingErrorReporting').prop('checked', false)
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting ErrorReporting is disabled')
                } else {
                    $('#checkboxSettingErrorReporting').prop('checked', true)
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting ErrorReporting is enabled')

                utils.globalObjectSet('settingEnableErrorReporting', value) // update the global object
        // End: ErrorReporting

        // Setting: EnablePrereleases
        if (key === 'settingEnablePrereleases') {
            // there is no config yet - create one
            if (value === undefined) {
                writeLocalUserSetting('settingEnablePrereleases', false)
            } else {
                if (value === false) {
                    $('#checkboxSettingEnablePrereleases').prop('checked', false)
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting EnablePrereleases is disabled')
                } else {
                    $('#checkboxSettingEnablePrereleases').prop('checked', true)
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'readLocalUserSetting ::: Setting EnablePrereleases is enabled')

                utils.globalObjectSet('settingEnablePrereleases', value) // update the global object
        // End: EnablePrereleases

* @function previewIcon
* @summary Generates a preview of the icon in the config-window
* @description Reads the content of the icon field and tries to show/preview the resulting FontAwesome icon
* @memberof renderer
function previewIcon () {
    const currentIconCode = $('#input_serviceIcon').val() // get content of field
    $('#previewIcon').html("<i class='" + currentIconCode + " fa-lg'></i>") // try to load font-awesome icon

* @function settingToggleDisableTray
* @summary Enables or disabled the Tray
* @description Updates the settings / option DisableTray
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingToggleDisableTray () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')

    // Handle depending on the checkbox state
    if ($('#checkboxSettingDisableTray').prop('checked')) {
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingDisableTray', true)
        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Disable Tray</u> is now enabled.")
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingToggleDisableTray ::: Finished enabling DisableTray')
    } else {
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingDisableTray', false)
        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-off'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Disable Tray</u> is now disabled.")
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingToggleDisableTray ::: Finished re-enabling DisableTray')

* @function settingToggleUrgentWindow
* @summary Enables or disabled the urgent window mode
* @description Updates the settings / option Urgentwindow
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingToggleUrgentWindow () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    // Handle depending on the checkbox state
    if ($('#checkboxSettingUrgentWindow').prop('checked')) {
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingUrgentWindow', true)
        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Urgent window</u> is now enabled.")
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingToggleUrgentWindow ::: Finished enabling UrgentWindow')
    } else {
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingUrgentWindow', false)
        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-off'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Urgent window</u> is now disabled.")
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingToggleUrgentWindow ::: Finished re-enabling UrgentWindow')

* @function settingsSelectServiceToAddChanged
* @summary Changes the add-service-template was selected and enables the button
* @description Changes the add-service-template was selected and enables the button
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingsSelectServiceToAddChanged () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const currentSelectedServiceTemplate = $('#select_availableServices').val()
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsSelectServiceToAddChanged ::: Value of service-template select has changed to: _' + currentSelectedServiceTemplate + '_.')

    if (currentSelectedServiceTemplate !== '') {
        $('#bt_addNewService').prop('disabled', false) // enable the add button

        // change button type to success
        $('#bt_addNewService').addClass('btn btn-success btn-sm')

        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsSelectServiceToAddChanged ::: Enabled the add-service button.')

* @function showNotyAutostartMinimizedConfirm
* @summary Shows a dialog while configuring the autostart.
* @description Asks the user if the autostart should be minimized or not
* @memberof renderer
function showNotyAutostartMinimizedConfirm () {
    const AutoLaunch = require('auto-launch')
    const Noty = require('noty')
    const n = new Noty(
            theme: 'bootstrap-v4',
            layout: 'bottom',
            type: 'information',
            closeWith: [''], // to prevent closing the confirm-dialog by clicking something other then a confirm-dialog-button
            text: 'Should autostart enable the minimize mode?',
            buttons: [
                Noty.button('Yes', 'btn btn-success', function () {
                    // enable start minimized
                    const ttthAutoLauncher = new AutoLaunch({
                        name: 'ttth',
                        isHidden: true,
                        useLaunchAgent: true

                    writeLocalUserSetting('settingAutostart', true)
                    utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Minimized Autostart (on login)</u> is now enabled.")
                    id: 'button1', 'data-status': 'ok'

                Noty.button('No', 'btn btn-secondary float-right', function () {
                    const ttthAutoLauncher = new AutoLaunch({
                        name: 'ttth',
                        isHidden: false,
                        useLaunchAgent: true

                    writeLocalUserSetting('settingAutostart', true)
                    utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Autostart (on login)</u> is now enabled.")
        }) // show the noty dialog

* @function openUserServicesConfigFolder
* @summary Opens the folder in filesystem which contains the service configurations of the current user
* @description Triggers a method in main.js which then opens the folder which contains all service configurations of the current user.
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function openUserServicesConfigFolder () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'openUserServicesConfigFolder ::: Should try to open the folder which contains the user configured services.')

* @function openUserSettingsConfigFolder
* @summary Opens the folder in filesystem which contains the user settings
* @description Triggers a method in main.js which then opens the folder which contains all user settings
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function openUserSettingsConfigFolder () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'openUserSettingsConfigFolder ::: Should try to open the folder which contains the user settings.')

* @function updateTrayIconStatus
* @summary Updates the tray icon
* @description Checks the tabs of all services and fetches the content of the related batch. Based on the overall unread message account it triggers the update of the tray icon
* @memberof renderer
function updateTrayIconStatus () {
    let overallUnreadMessages = 0 // counts unread messages for all enabled services
    let curServiceUnreadMessageCount = 0 // contains the unread-message count for a single service
    let currentTabId

    // loop over all tabs - count unread messages
    $('#myTabs li a').each(function () {
        currentTabId = $(this).attr('id')

        // for all tabs - but NOT for the settings tab
        if (currentTabId !== 'target_Settings') {
            currentTabId = currentTabId.replace('target_', '')

            curServiceUnreadMessageCount = 0 // reset to 0
            curServiceUnreadMessageCount = $('#badge_' + currentTabId).html()
            curServiceUnreadMessageCount = Number(curServiceUnreadMessageCount)

            // if the current service has a significant unread message count -> log it and add it to overall counter
            // if ((curServiceUnreadMessageCount !== 0) && (curServiceUnreadMessageCount !== '') && (curServiceUnreadMessageCount !== null)) {
            // if ((curServiceUnreadMessageCount !== 0) && (curServiceUnreadMessageCount !== null)) {
            if (curServiceUnreadMessageCount !== 0) {
                overallUnreadMessages = overallUnreadMessages + curServiceUnreadMessageCount // increase the overall counter

            if (curServiceUnreadMessageCount !== 0) { // only if there is something to report
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateTrayIconStatus ::: Unread messages count of _' + currentTabId + '_ is: ' + curServiceUnreadMessageCount)

    if (overallUnreadMessages !== 0) { // only if there is something to report
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateTrayIconStatus ::: Overall unread message count for all enabled services is: _' + overallUnreadMessages + '_.')

    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
    if ((overallUnreadMessages === '0') || (overallUnreadMessages === 0)) {
        ipcRenderer.send('changeTrayIconToDefault') // tray should show the default icon
    } else {
        // tray should show that we got unread messages
        readLocalUserSetting('settingUrgentWindow', true)

    // Update the badgeCount of the app. See #152
    ipcRenderer.send('updateBadgeCount', overallUnreadMessages)

* @function doAnimateServiceIcon
* @summary Starts or stops the animation of the service tab icon
* @description Adds or removes a class to the service icon in the related service tab. FontAwesome Animating icons:
* @memberof renderer
* @param {boolean} doOrDont - True = enable animation, false = stop the animation.
* @param {string} serviceId - The id of the related service
function doAnimateServiceIcon (doOrDont, serviceId) {
    if (doOrDont === true) {
        $('#icon_' + serviceId).addClass('fa-spin') // start to spin the service icon in the tabmenu
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'doAnimateServiceIcon ::: Animating the icon of service _' + serviceId + '_.')
    } else {
        $('#icon_' + serviceId).removeClass('fa-spin') // stop to spin the service icon in the tabmenu
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'doAnimateServiceIcon ::: Stopped animating the icon of service _' + serviceId + '_.')

* @function updateServiceBadge
* @summary Updates the badge in a tab of a single service
* @description gets the name of a service and its current unread message count. Updates the badge of the related service
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} serviceId - ID of the service
* @param {number} count - Amount of unread messages
function updateServiceBadge (serviceId, count) {
    if (count !== '0') {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateServiceBadge ::: New unread count for service _' + serviceId + '_ is: _' + count + '_.')

    // if count is < 1 - badge should show nothing
    if ((count === null) || (count === 0) || (count === 'null') || (count === '0')) {
        count = ''

    $('#badge_' + serviceId).html(count) // update the badge
    updateTrayIconStatus() // Update tray icon status if needed

* @function eventListenerForSingleService
* @summary Adds several EventListeners to the webview of the service
* @description Defines several EventListeners to the webview of the service and starts a periodic request to check for unread messages
* @memberof renderer
* @param serviceId - the ID of the service
* @param enableUnreadMessageHandling - boolean - if unread message handler should be created
* @param enableLinkSupport - boolean - if link handler should be created
function eventListenerForSingleService (serviceId, enableUnreadMessageHandling = true, enableLinkSupport = false) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: Adding event listeners for webview: _webview_' + serviceId + '_.')

    const webview = document.getElementById('webview_' + serviceId) // get webview ( )

    // run it periodically
    //  5.000 =  5 sec
    // var intervalID = setInterval(function () { // CLEANME
    setInterval(function () {
    }, 3000) // 3.000 milliseconds = 3 sec

    // TODO:
    // add a network-connectivity check for each single service?

    // -----------------------------------------
    // adding general webview events (valid for all services)
    // -----------------------------------------

    // WebView Event: load-commit (
    // Fired when a load has committed. This includes navigation within the current document as well as subframe document-level loads, but does not include asynchronous resource loads.
    webview.addEventListener('load-commit', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: load-commit for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

        // start to spin the service icon in the tabmenu
        // doAnimateServiceIcon(true, serviceId);

    // WebView Event: did-fail-load (
    // This event is like did-finish-load, but fired when the load failed or was cancelled, e.g. window.stop() is invoked.
    webview.addEventListener('did-fail-load', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: webview of service: _' + serviceId + '_ got a did-fail-load event.')

        // stop to spin the service icon in the tabmenu
        doAnimateServiceIcon(false, serviceId)

    // WebView Event: crashed (
    // Fired when the renderer process is crashed.
    webview.addEventListener('crashed', function (event) {
        doAnimateServiceIcon(false, serviceId) // stop to spin the service icon in the tabmenu
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: webview of service: _' + serviceId + '_ got a crashed event.')
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'Error: ', event)

        utils.showNoty('error', 'Ooops, the service <b>' + serviceId + '</b> just crashed.', 0)

        // FIXME
        // Idea: load an error page into the crashed webview
        // webview.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/error.html')
        // BUT
        // this crashes the entire app - as it is sung the same code as reloadCurrentService

    // WebView Event: page-title-updated (
    // Fired when page title is set during navigation. explicitSet is false when title is synthesized from file url.
    webview.addEventListener('page-title-updated', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: page-title-updated for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // WebView Event: plugin-crashed (
    // Fired when a plugin process is crashed.
    webview.addEventListener('plugin-crashed', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: plugin-crashed for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // WebView Event: destroyed (
    // Fired when the WebContents is destroyed.
    webview.addEventListener('destroyed', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: destroyed for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // WebView Event: update-target-url (
    // Emitted when mouse moves over a link or the keyboard moves the focus to a link.
    webview.addEventListener('update-target-url', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: update-target-url for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // WebView Event: devtools-opened (htps://
    // Emitted when DevTools is opened.
    webview.addEventListener('devtools-opened', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: devtools-opened for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // WebView Event: devtools closed (
    // Emitted when DevTools is closed.
    webview.addEventListener('devtools-closed', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: devtools closed for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // WebView Event: close (
    // Fired when the guest page attempts to close itself.
    webview.addEventListener('close', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: close for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // WebView Event: console-message (
    // webview.addEventListener("console-message", function()
    // {
    // utils.writeConsoleMsg("info", "eventListenerForSingleService ::: console-message");
    // });

    // WebView Event: did-start-loading
    // Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab starts spinning.
    webview.addEventListener('did-start-loading', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: webview of service: _' + serviceId + '_ got a did-start-loading event')
        doAnimateServiceIcon(true, serviceId) // start to spin the service icon in the tabmenu
        webview.send('request') // Triggering search for unread messages

        // show the useragent of this webview
        // var userAgent = webview.getUserAgent()
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'UserAgent of service _'+ serviceId + '_ is set to _' + userAgent + '_.')

    // WebView Event: did-finish-load
    // Fired when the navigation is done, i.e. the spinner of the tab will stop spinning, and the onload event is dispatched.
    webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: webview of service: _' + serviceId + '_ got a did-finish-load event.')
        doAnimateServiceIcon(false, serviceId) // stop to spin the service icon in the tabmenu

    // WebView Event: did-frame-finish-load
    // Fired when a frame has done navigation.
    webview.addEventListener('did-frame-finish-load', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: webview of service: _' + serviceId + '_ got a did-frame-finish-load event.')
        doAnimateServiceIcon(false, serviceId) // stop to spin the service icon in the tabmenu

    // WebView Event: did-stop-loading
    // Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab stops spinning.
    webview.addEventListener('did-stop-loading', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: webview of service: _' + serviceId + '_ got a did-stop-loading event.')
        doAnimateServiceIcon(false, serviceId) // stop to spin the service icon in the tabmenu

    // WebView Event: dom-ready
    // Fired when document in the given frame is loaded.
    webview.addEventListener('dom-ready', function () {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: webview of service: _' + serviceId + '_ got a DOM-Ready event.')
        doAnimateServiceIcon(false, serviceId) // stop to spin the service icon in the tabmenu

    // -----------------------------------------
    // Specific WebView Events for UnreadMessageHandling
    // -----------------------------------------
    if (enableUnreadMessageHandling === true) {
        // WebView Event:  ipc-message
        webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (event) => {
            // utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: ipc-message for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

            // update the badge
            if ( !== null) {
    // /WebView Events for UnreadMessageHandling

    // -----------------------------------------
    // Specific WebView Event: new-window / clicking links
    // -----------------------------------------
    if (enableLinkSupport === true) {
        webview.addEventListener('new-window', function (event) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: new-window for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

            const shell = require('electron').shell

            // const protocol = require('url').parse(event.url).protocol // 'url.parse' was deprecated since v11.0.0.
            // const http = require('url')
            const myURL = new URL(event.url)
            const protocol = myURL.protocol

            if (protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:') {
                // Display warning for http links - see:
                if (protocol === 'http:') {
                    const Noty = require('noty')
                    const n = new Noty(
                            theme: 'bootstrap-v4',
                            layout: 'bottom',
                            type: 'information',
                            closeWith: [''], // to prevent closing the confirm-dialog by clicking something other then a confirm-dialog-button
                            text: 'Do you really want to open this potentially unsafe link (reason: not using https://) ?',
                            buttons: [
                                Noty.button('Yes', 'btn btn-danger', function () {
                                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'User confirmed to open non-https:// link: _' + event.url + '_.')
                                    id: 'button1', 'data-status': 'ok'

                                Noty.button('No', 'btn btn-success float-right', function () {

                    // show the noty dialog
                } else {
                    // its https://
    // /WebView Event: new-window / clicking links

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'eventListenerForSingleService ::: End for service: _' + serviceId + '_.')

* @function closeSingleServiceConfiguratationWindow
* @summary Triggers a function in main.js to close the single-service-configuration popup window
* @description Triggers a function in main.js to close the single-service-configuration popup window
* @memberof renderer
function closeSingleServiceConfiguratationWindow () {
    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')

* @function validateConfigSingleServiceForm
* @summary Validate the required input values from the config-single-service form
* @description Validate the required input values from the config-single-service form
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} serviceName - The display name of the service
* @param {string} serviceIcon - The icon for this service
* @param {string} serviceUrl - The url of this service
* @return {boolean} true or false - depending on the actual form validation
function validateConfigSingleServiceForm (serviceName, serviceIcon, serviceUrl) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'validateConfigSingleServiceForm ::: Starting to validate the form.')
    if ((serviceName === '') || (serviceIcon === '') || (serviceUrl === '')) {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'validateConfigSingleServiceForm ::: Form is not valid.')
        return false
    } else {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'validateConfigSingleServiceForm ::: Form is valid.')
        return true

* @function createSingleServiceConfiguration
* @summary Fetches the input values from the single-service-configuration popup window and creates a related service config
* @description Fetches the input values from the single-service-configuration popup window and creates a related service config
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from configWindow.html
function createSingleServiceConfiguration () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'createSingleServiceConfiguration ::: Starting to create a new service config')

    // get values from configServiceWindow
    const serviceId = $('#input_serviceId').val()
    const serviceType = $('#input_serviceType').val() // hidden
    const serviceName = $('#input_serviceName').val()
    const serviceIcon = $('#input_serviceIcon').val()
    const serviceUrl = $('#input_serviceUrl').val()
    const serviceInjectCode = $('#input_serviceInjectCode').val() // hidden
    const serviceUserAgentDefault = $('#input_serviceUserAgentDefault').val()
    const serviceUserAgentCustom = $('#input_serviceUserAgentCustom').val()
    const serviceEnableStatus = true

    const isFormValid = validateConfigSingleServiceForm(serviceName, serviceIcon, serviceUrl)
    if (isFormValid === true) {
        // create a new config for the configured service
        storage.set(serviceId, {
            type: serviceType,
            name: serviceName,
            icon: serviceIcon,
            url: serviceUrl,
            injectCode: serviceInjectCode,
            serviceEnableStatus: serviceEnableStatus,
            userAgentDefault: serviceUserAgentDefault,
            userAgentCustom: serviceUserAgentCustom
        function (error) {
            const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
            ipcRenderer.send('reloadMainWindow') // reload the main window
            closeSingleServiceConfiguratationWindow() // close aka hide the configWindow
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'createSingleServiceConfiguration ::: Created a new service config for: _' + serviceId + '_.')

            if (error) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'createSingleServiceConfiguration ::: Error: ' + error)
                throw error

* @function updateSingleServiceConfiguration
* @summary Fetches the input values from the single-service-configuration popup window and updates the related service config
* @description Fetches the input values from the single-service-configuration popup window and updates the related service config
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from configWindow.html
function updateSingleServiceConfiguration () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateSingleServiceConfiguration ::: Starting to update an existing service config')

    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    // get values from configServiceWindow
    const serviceId = $('#input_serviceId').val()
    const serviceType = $('#input_serviceType').val() // hidden
    const serviceName = $('#input_serviceName').val()
    const serviceIcon = $('#input_serviceIcon').val()
    const serviceUrl = $('#input_serviceUrl').val()
    const serviceUserAgentDefault = $('#input_serviceUserAgentDefault').val()
    const serviceUserAgentCustom = $('#input_serviceUserAgentCustom').val()
    const serviceInjectCode = $('#input_serviceInjectCode').val() // hidden
    let serviceEnableStatus = $('#input_serviceEnableStatus').val() // hidden

    if (serviceEnableStatus === 'true') {
        serviceEnableStatus = true
    } else {
        serviceEnableStatus = false

    const isFormValid = validateConfigSingleServiceForm(serviceName, serviceIcon, serviceUrl)
    if (isFormValid === true) {
        // update the config of the configured service (status)
        storage.set(serviceId, {
            type: serviceType,
            name: serviceName,
            icon: serviceIcon,
            url: serviceUrl,
            injectCode: serviceInjectCode,
            serviceEnableStatus: serviceEnableStatus,
            userAgentDefault: serviceUserAgentDefault,
            userAgentCustom: serviceUserAgentCustom
        }, function (error) {
            const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
            ipcRenderer.send('reloadMainWindow') // reload the main window
            closeSingleServiceConfiguratationWindow() // close aka hide the configWindow
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateSingleServiceConfiguration ::: Updating service config: _' + serviceId + '_.')

            if (error) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'updateSingleServiceConfiguration ::: Error: ' + error)
                throw error

* @function configureSingleUserService
* @summary Triggers a function in main.js to  open the single-service-configuration popup window
* @description Triggers a function in main.js to  open the single-service-configuration popup window
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} serviceId - id of the service
function configureSingleUserService (serviceId) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'configureSingleUserService ::: Trying to open service configure window for service: _' + serviceId + '_.')
    ipcRenderer.send('showConfigureSingleServiceWindow', serviceId) // send ipc to show service-configuration window

* @function openDevTools
* @summary Toggles the DevConsole
* @description Opens or closes the Developer Console inside the app. Gets called from mainWindow.html
* @memberof renderer
function openDevTools () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const remote = require('electron').remote
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'openDevTools ::: Opening Developer Console')

* @function settingToggleAutostart
* @summary Enables or disables the autostart
* @description Enables or disables the autostart
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingToggleAutostart () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const isDev = require('electron-is-dev')
    if (isDev) {
        utils.showNoty('warning', 'Configuring autostart is only supported in packaged builds.')
        $('#checkboxSettingAutostart').prop('checked', false) // unselect the autostart checkbox
    } else {
        const AutoLaunch = require('auto-launch') // auto-launch - via:

        const ttthAutoLauncher = new AutoLaunch({
            name: 'ttth',
            useLaunchAgent: true

        // Handle depending on the checkbox state
        // enabling the autostart
        if ($('#checkboxSettingAutostart').prop('checked')) {
        } else {
            ttthAutoLauncher.disable() // disabling the autostart
            writeLocalUserSetting('settingAutostart', false)
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingToggleAutostart ::: Finished disabling Autostart')
            utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-off'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Autostart (on login)</u> is now disabled.")

            .then(function (isEnabled) {
                if (isEnabled) {
            .catch(function (err) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'settingToggleAutostart ::: Error: ' + err)
                throw err

* @function settingDefaultViewUpdate
* @summary Stores a new default view to local storage
* @description Users can define a default / startup view in settings. This method stores the users choice into local storage.
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingDefaultViewUpdate () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const newDefaultView = $('#selectDefaultView').val() // get currently selected value from select

    if (newDefaultView !== null) {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingDefaultViewUpdate ::: New default view on start is set to: ' + newDefaultView)
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingDefaultView', newDefaultView) // Store new default view in local storage
        utils.showNoty('success', 'Set default view to <b>' + newDefaultView + '</b>.') // show noty
    } else {
        utils.showNoty('warning', 'Please <b>choose a service</b> to set a custom <b>default view</b>.') // user forgot to select a service for new default view

* @function checkSupportedOperatingSystem
* @summary Checks if the operating system is supported or not
* @description Checks if the operating system is linux, windows or macOS. Those are supported - others are currently not.
* @memberof renderer
function checkSupportedOperatingSystem () {
    let supportedOperatingSystemMessage = ''
    const userPlatform = process.platform // process.platform (works without require) vs os.platform
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'checkSupportedOperatingSystem ::: Detected operating system as: ' + userPlatform)

    switch (userPlatform) {
    case 'win32':
    case 'windows':
    case 'linux':
    case 'darwin':
    case 'freebsd':
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'checkSupportedOperatingSystem ::: Operating system ' + userPlatform + ' is fine.')

        // could be: sunos or whatever else
        supportedOperatingSystemMessage = userPlatform + ' is currently not supported. Please contact devs.' // define message
        utils.showNoty('warning', supportedOperatingSystemMessage, 0)
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'checkSupportedOperatingSystem ::: ' + supportedOperatingSystemMessage)

* @function openReleasesOverview
* @summary Opens the ttth release page
* @description Opens the url in the default browser. Used in searchUpdate().
* @memberof renderer
function openReleasesOverview () {
    const { urlGitHubReleases } = require('./js/ttth/modules/urlsGithub.js')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'openReleasesOverview ::: Opening _' + urlGitHubReleases + '_ to show available releases')

* @function searchUpdate
* @summary Checks if there is a new release available
* @description Compares the local app version number with the tag of the latest github release. Displays a notification in the settings window if an update is available.
* @param {boolean} [silent] - Boolean with default value. Shows a feedback in case of no available updates If "silent" = false. Special handling for manually triggered update search
* @memberof renderer
function searchUpdate (silent = true) {
    // when executed manually via menu -> user should see that update-check is running
    if (silent === false) {
        utils.showNoty('info', 'Searching for updates')

    // const { urlGitHubRepoTags } = require('./js/ttth/modules/urlsGithub.js') // old
    const { urlGithubApiReleases } = require('./js/ttth/modules/urlsGithub.js')

    // get setting
    const curSettingEnablePrereleases = utils.globalObjectGet('settingEnablePrereleases')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Setting enablePrereleases is set to _' + curSettingEnablePrereleases + '_.')

    let remoteAppVersionLatest = '0.0.0'
    let remoteAppVersionLatestPrerelease = false
    let localAppVersion = '0.0.0'
    let versions

    // get local version
    // localAppVersion = require('electron')
    localAppVersion = utils.getAppVersion()
    // localAppVersion = '0.0.1'; //  overwrite variable to simulate

    // var updateStatus = $.get(urlGithubApiReleases, function (data) {
    $.get(urlGithubApiReleases, function (data) {
        // 3000 // in milliseconds

        // success
        versions = data.sort(function (v1, v2) {
            // return, v1.tag_name);
            // console.error(v1.tag_name)
            // console.error(v2.tag_name)

        if (curSettingEnablePrereleases === true) {
            // user wants the latest release - ignoring if it is a prerelease or an official one
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Including pre-releases in update search')
            remoteAppVersionLatest = versions[0].tag_name // Example: 0.4.2
            remoteAppVersionLatestPrerelease = versions[0].prerelease // boolean
        } else {
            // user wants official releases only
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Ignoring pre-releases in update search')
            // find the latest non pre-release build
            // loop over the versions array to find the latest non-pre-release
            // var latestOfficialRelease
            for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
                if (versions[i].prerelease === false) {
                    // latestOfficialRelease = i

            remoteAppVersionLatest = versions[i].tag_name // Example: 0.4.2
            // remoteAppVersionLatest = '66.6.6' // overwrite variable to simulate available updates
            remoteAppVersionLatestPrerelease = versions[i].prerelease // boolean

        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Local ttth version: _' + localAppVersion + '_.')
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Latest ttth version: _' + remoteAppVersionLatest + '_ - Is pre-release: _' + remoteAppVersionLatestPrerelease + '_.')

        // If a stable (not a prelease) update is available - see #73
        if (localAppVersion < remoteAppVersionLatest) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Found update, notify user')

            // ask user using a noty confirm dialog
            const Noty = require('noty')
            const n = new Noty(
                    theme: 'bootstrap-v4',
                    layout: 'bottom',
                    type: 'info',
                    closeWith: [''], // to prevent closing the confirm-dialog by clicking something other then a confirm-dialog-button
                    text: 'A <b>ttth</b> update from <b>' + localAppVersion + '</b> to version <b>' + remoteAppVersionLatest + '</b> is available. Do you want to visit the release page?',
                    buttons: [
                        Noty.button('Yes', 'btn btn-success', function () {
                            id: 'button1', 'data-status': 'ok'

                        Noty.button('No', 'btn btn-secondary float-right', function () {

            // show the noty dialog
        } else {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: No newer version of ttth found.')

            // when executed manually via menu -> user should see result of this search
            if (silent === false) {
                utils.showNoty('success', 'No <b>ttth</b> updates available')

        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Successfully checked ' + urlGithubApiReleases + ' for available releases')
        .done(function () {
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Successfully checked ' + urlGithubApiReleases + ' for available releases');

        .fail(function () {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Checking ' + urlGithubApiReleases + ' for available releases failed.')
            utils.showNoty('error', 'Checking <b>' + urlGithubApiReleases + '</b> for available ttth releases failed. Please troubleshoot your network connection.', 0)

        .always(function () {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'searchUpdate ::: Finished checking ' + urlGithubApiReleases + ' for available releases')

* @function validateConfiguredDefaultView
* @summary Checks on startup if the service configured as default view is a valid / enabled service
* @description Checks if the default view is valid, otherwise fallbacks to settings view
* @memberof renderer
function validateConfiguredDefaultView () {

* @function loadServiceSpecificCode
* @summary Executes service specific javascript code on service-activation
* @description Executes service specific javascript code on service-activation
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} serviceId - The ID of the service
* @param {string} serviceName - Name of the service
function loadServiceSpecificCode (serviceId, serviceName) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadServiceSpecificCode ::: Checking for service-specific code for the service: ' + serviceName + ' with the id: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    switch (serviceName) {
    // V1: unread message handler: NO - &&  Link handler: NO
    case 'dropbox':
    case 'github':
    case 'googleCalendar':
    case 'googleContacts':
    case 'googleDrive':
    case 'googlePhotos':
    case 'nextcloud':
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadServiceSpecificCode ::: Executing ' + serviceName + ' specific things')
        eventListenerForSingleService(serviceId, false, false)

        // V2: unread-message-handler: NO - && - Link-handler: YES
    case 'freenode':
    case 'googleDuo':
    case 'googleKeep':
    case 'linkedIn':
    case 'reddit':
    case 'wechat':
    case 'wire':
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadServiceSpecificCode ::: Executing ' + serviceName + ' specific things')
        eventListenerForSingleService(serviceId, false, true)

        // V3: Unread-message-handler: YES - && - link handler: NO
    case 'gitter':
    case 'twitter':
    case 'xing':
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadServiceSpecificCode ::: Executing ' + serviceName + ' specific things')
        eventListenerForSingleService(serviceId, true, false)

        // V4: Unread-message-handler: YES && link-handler: YES
    case 'discord':
    case 'googleMail':
    case 'googleMessages':
    case 'icq':
    case 'mattermost':
    case 'messenger':
    case 'microsoftOutlook':
    case 'microsoftOffice365':
    case 'microsoftTeams':
    case 'riot':
    case 'skype':
    case 'slack':
    case 'steam':
    case 'telegram':
    case 'threema':
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadServiceSpecificCode ::: Executing ' + serviceName + ' specific things')
        eventListenerForSingleService(serviceId, true, true)

        // Specialcase: WhatsApp
    case 'whatsapp':
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadServiceSpecificCode ::: Executing ' + serviceName + ' specific things')
        /* global serviceWhatsAppRegister */
        eventListenerForSingleService(serviceId, true, true)

            // utils.writeConsoleMsg("info", "loadServiceSpecificCode ::: Nothing to do here");

* @function initAvailableServicesSelection
* @summary fills the select item in settings-page (which features all supported services)
* @description fills the select item in settings-page (which features all supported services). Source is services.json
* @memberof renderer
function initAvailableServicesSelection () {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'initAvailableServicesSelection ::: Reload settings select with all supported service definitions')

    let counterSupportedServices = 0
    const dropdown = $('#select_availableServices') // get reference to select which contains all supported service type definitions
    dropdown.prop('selectedIndex', 0) // select the first entry

    // url to service definitions
    const path = require('path')
    const url = path.join(__dirname, '/js/ttth/services.json')

    // Populate select with list of provinces
    $.getJSON(url, function (data) {
        $.each(data, function (key, entry) {
            dropdown.append($('<option></option>').attr('value', // add option to select
            counterSupportedServices = counterSupportedServices + 1 // count services

        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'initAvailableServicesSelection ::: Finished reloading settings select with all supported service definitions. Found _' + counterSupportedServices + '_ service types.')

* @function loadConfiguredUserServices
* @summary loads all the configured-user-services to the configured-services-section of the settings tab.
* @description removes all configured user services from settings view, reads all configured user services and re-adds them to the settings ui under 'Configured services'
* @memberof renderer
function loadConfiguredUserServices () {
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    $('#settingsServicesConfigured').empty() // empty the div

    // read all user service configuration files
    storage.getAll(function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'loadConfiguredUserServices ::: Error while trying to get all user  service configurations. Error: ' + error)
            throw error

        // show object which contains all config files
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg("error", (data);
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg("error", (typeof data);

        let serviceCount = 0

        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadConfiguredUserServices ::: Found the following user configs: _' + data + '_.')

        // loop over upper object
        for (const key in data) {
            // if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadConfiguredUserServices ::: ' + key + ' -> ' + data[key])

            // show 2 services per row
            if (serviceCount % 2 === 0) {
                // odd
                // create a new row
                $('#settingsServicesConfigured').append("<div class='row ttthServiceRow' id='conf_" + serviceCount + "'></div>")

                if (data[key].serviceEnableStatus === true) {
                    // show enabled configured service
                    $('#conf_' + serviceCount).append('<div class="col-sm-6"><div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-1"><div class="input-group-prepend"><div class="input-group-text"><i title="Service: ' + data[key].type + '" class="ttthServiceIcon ' + data[key].icon + '"></i></div></div><input type="text" class="form-control" id="label_' + data[key].url + '" aria-label="Text input with checkbox" value=' + data[key].name + ' title=' + data[key].url + ' disabled><div class="input-group-prepend"><button type="button" id="bt_configSingleService_' + key + '" title="configure" class="btn btn-dark" onClick="configureSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\')"><i class="fas fa-cog"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" id="bt_' + key + '" title="enabled" onClick="settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\');"><i id=statusIconService_' + key + ' class="fas fa-toggle-on"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" id="bt_delete' + key + '" title="delete" onClick="deleteConfiguredService(\'' + key + '\');"><i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i></button></div></div></div>')
                } else {
                    // show disabled configured service
                    $('#conf_' + serviceCount).append('<div class="col-sm-6"><div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-1"><div class="input-group-prepend"><div class="input-group-text"><i title="Service: ' + data[key].type + '" class="ttthServiceIcon ' + data[key].icon + '"></i></div></div><input type="text" class="form-control" id="label_' + data[key].url + '" aria-label="Text input with checkbox" value=' + data[key].name + ' title=' + data[key].url + ' disabled><div class="input-group-prepend"><button type="button" id="bt_configSingleService_' + key + '" title="configure" class="btn btn-dark" onClick="configureSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\')"><i class="fas fa-cog"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" id="bt_' + key + '" title="disabled" onClick="settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\');"><i id=statusIconService_' + key + ' class="fas fa-toggle-off"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" id="bt_delete' + key + '" title="delete" onClick="deleteConfiguredService(\'' + key + '\');"><i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i></button></div></div></div>')
            } else {
                // ...even - add to existing row - in col 2
                // add something to the existing row
                const rowReference = serviceCount - 1

                if (data[key].serviceEnableStatus === true) {
                    // show enabled configured service
                    $('#conf_' + rowReference).append('<div class="col-sm-6"><div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-1"><div class="input-group-prepend"><div class="input-group-text"><i title="Service: ' + data[key].type + '" class="ttthServiceIcon ' + data[key].icon + '"></i></div></div><input type="text" class="form-control" id="label_' + data[key].url + '" aria-label="Text input with checkbox" value=' + data[key].name + ' title=' + data[key].url + ' disabled><div class="input-group-prepend"><button type="button" id="bt_configSingleService_' + key + '" title="configure" class="btn btn-dark" onClick="configureSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\')"><i class="fas fa-cog"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" id="bt_' + key + '" title="enabled" onClick="settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\');"><i id=statusIconService_' + key + ' class="fas fa-toggle-on"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" id="bt_delete' + key + '" title="delete" onClick="deleteConfiguredService(\'' + key + '\');"><i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i></button></div></div></div>')
                } else {
                    // show disabled configured service
                    $('#conf_' + rowReference).append('<div class="col-sm-6"><div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-1"><div class="input-group-prepend"><div class="input-group-text"><i title="Service: ' + data[key].type + '" class="ttthServiceIcon ' + data[key].icon + '"></i></div></div><input type="text" class="form-control" id="label_' + data[key].url + '" aria-label="Text input with checkbox" value=' + data[key].name + ' title=' + data[key].url + ' disabled><div class="input-group-prepend"><button type="button" id="bt_configSingleService_' + key + '" title="configure" class="btn btn-dark" onClick="configureSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\')"><i class="fas fa-cog"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" id="bt_' + key + '" title="disabled" onClick="settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService(\'' + key + '\');"><i id=statusIconService_' + key + ' class="fas fa-toggle-off"></i></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" id="bt_delete' + key + '" title="delete" onClick="deleteConfiguredService(\'' + key + '\');"><i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i></button></div></div></div>')
            serviceCount = serviceCount + 1
            // }

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadConfiguredUserServices ::: Finished loading all configured user services to settings page')

* @function initSettingsPage
* @summary Initializes the settings page
* @description Shows links to github informations. update informations. Initializes the service-checkboxes on loading the view.
* @memberof renderer
function initSettingsPage () {
    // Start checking each single option
    readLocalUserSetting('settingAutostart') // Option: Autostart
    readLocalUserSetting('settingTheme') // Option: Theme
    readLocalUserSetting('settingDisableTray') // Option: DisableTray (Linux only)
    readLocalUserSetting('settingUrgentWindow') // Option: Urgent Window
    readLocalUserSetting('settingEnableErrorReporting') // Option: Urgent Window
    readLocalUserSetting('settingEnablePrereleases') // Option: Urgent Window

    // load all supported services to drop-down-list (used for adding new services)

    // show all user-configured services under "configured services"

* @function removeServiceTab
* @summary Remove a single service tab from the UI
* @description Removes the li item from tab menu, removes the tab itself
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} tabId
function removeServiceTab (tabId) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'removeServiceTab ::: Starting to remove the tab: _' + tabId + '_.')

    // remove service nav-item from menu
    $('#menu_' + tabId).remove()
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'removeServiceTab ::: Removed service nav item from navigation (_' + tabId + '_)')

    //  get webview
    // var webview = document.getElementById("webview_" + tabId);

    // remove webview listeners
    // webview.removeEventListener("ipc-message");

    // remove webview itself
    // webview.remove();
    // utils.writeConsoleMsg("info", "removeServiceTab ::: Removing the webview itself: _" + webview + "_.");

    // remove tabcontent from tab pane
    $('#' + tabId).remove()

    // remove service from select for DefaultView
    $('#selectDefaultView option[value=' + tabId + ']').remove()

    // reload the main window (see #117 - to avoid sending request to non-existing webviews)
    // const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
    // ipcRenderer.send('reloadMainWindow')

    // baustelle
    setTimeout(function () {
        const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
    }, 150)

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'removeServiceTab ::: Finished removing the tab: _' + tabId + '_.')

* @function addServiceTab
* @summary Add a single tab to UI
* @description Add the li item to tab menu, adds the tab itself
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} serviceId
* @param {string} serviceType
* @param {string} serviceName
* @param {string} serviceIcon
* @param {string} serviceUrl
* @param {string} serviceInjectCode
* @param {string} serviceUserAgentDefault
* @param {string} serviceUserAgentCustom
function addServiceTab (serviceId, serviceType, serviceName, serviceIcon, serviceUrl, serviceInjectCode, serviceUserAgentDefault, serviceUserAgentCustom) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'addServiceTab ::: Starting to add the tab: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // tab-position
    const existingTabs = $('#myTabs li').length // get amount of tabs
    const newTabPosition = existingTabs - 1 // calculate new tab position

    // choose the right userAgent
    let userAgent = appWideUserAgentDefault // setting a project wide default
    if (serviceUserAgentDefault !== '') {
        userAgent = serviceUserAgentDefault // overwrite with service-specific default, if set
    if (serviceUserAgentCustom !== '') {
        userAgent = serviceUserAgentCustom // overwrite with service-specific custom, if set

    // Baustelle: FIXME - see #185
    // check if injectCode path is valid / exists - see #185
    if (serviceInjectCode === '') {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'addServiceTab ::: No inject code given, therefor nothing to validate.')
    } else {
        const path = require('path')
        const fs = require('fs')

        const relInjectPath = serviceInjectCode.replace('./', '')
        const currentPath = path.join(__dirname, relInjectPath)
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'addServiceTab ::: Full inject path: _' + currentPath + '_. Now checkiing if it is valid')

        if (fs.existsSync(currentPath)) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'addServiceTab ::: Path to given inject code file is valid. Valid path is: _' + serviceInjectCode + '_.')
        } else {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'addServiceTab ::: Trying to inject a non existing inject code file. Invalid path is: _' + serviceInjectCode + '_.')
            serviceInjectCode = '' // reset the path
            utils.showNoty('error', 'The service <b>' + serviceName + '</b> (id: ' + serviceId + ') tried to load a non-valid inject file. Inject code is now ignored. Please check the service configuration (.json file).', 0)

    // Parsing url and extract domain for persist-handling of webview
    const serviceDomain = utils.getDomain(serviceUrl)

    // add new list item to unordner list (tabs/menu)
    // $('#myTabs li:eq(' + newTabPosition + ')').after('<li class="nav-item small" id=menu_'+ serviceId +'><a class="nav-link ttth_nonSelectableText" id=target_' + serviceId +' href=#' + serviceId + ' role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="' + serviceIcon +'"></i> ' + serviceName + ' <span id=badge_' + serviceId + ' class="badge badge-success"></span></a></li>');
    $('#myTabs li:eq(' + newTabPosition + ')').after("<li class='nav-item small' id=menu_" + serviceId + "><a class='nav-link ttth_nonSelectableText' id=target_" + serviceId + ' href=#' + serviceId + " role='tab' data-toggle='tab'><span id=shortcut_" + serviceId + " class='badge badge-pill badge-warning'></span> <i id=icon_" + serviceId + " class='" + serviceIcon + "'></i> " + serviceName + ' <span id=badge_' + serviceId + " class='badge badge-success'></span></a></li>")

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'addServiceTab ::: Added the navigation tab for service: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // add the tab itself to #tabPanes
    $('#tabPanes').append("<div role='tabpanel' class='tab-pane fade flex-fill ttth_resizer container-fluid' id=" + serviceId + '></div>')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'addServiceTab ::: Added the tab pane for service: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // add webview  to new tab
    if (serviceType === 'whatsapp') {
        // Whatsapp needs: - no partition
        $('#' + serviceId).append('<webview id=webview_' + serviceId + " class='ttth_resizer' src=" + serviceUrl + ' preload=' + serviceInjectCode + " userAgent='" + userAgent + "'></webview>")
    } else {
        if (serviceInjectCode === '') {
            // no inject code
            $('#' + serviceId).append('<webview id=webview_' + serviceId + ' partition=persist:' + serviceDomain + " class='ttth_resizer' src=" + serviceUrl + ' userAgent="' + userAgent + '"></webview>')
        } else {
            // got injectCode, preload it
            $('#' + serviceId).append('<webview id=webview_' + serviceId + ' partition=persist:' + serviceDomain + " class='ttth_resizer' src=" + serviceUrl + ' preload=' + serviceInjectCode + ' userAgent="' + userAgent + '"></webview>')

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'addServiceTab ::: Finished adding the tab: _' + serviceId + '_.')
    $('#selectDefaultView').append(new Option(serviceName, serviceId)) // add service to select for DefaultView
    loadServiceSpecificCode(serviceId, serviceType)

* @function updateGlobalServicesShortcuts
* @summary Assigns global shortcuts for all service tabs
* @description Assigns global shortcuts for all service tabs
* @memberof renderer
function updateGlobalServicesShortcuts () {
    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')

    let tabCounter = 0
    let currentTabId
    let numberOfEnabledServices // counts the amount of enabled user services

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateGlobalServicesShortcuts ::: Starting to update global service shortcuts')

    // Ensure to remove all possible shortcuts before re-creating them. See #74
    // count enabled services:
    numberOfEnabledServices = $('#myTabs li').length
    numberOfEnabledServices = numberOfEnabledServices - 1 // as the settings tab doesnt count

    // if there are configured services so far - delete all existing shortcuts
    if (numberOfEnabledServices > 0) {
        // ipcRenderer.send("deleteAllGlobalServicesShortcut", numberOfEnabledServices);
        ipcRenderer.send('deleteAllGlobalServicesShortcut', 9)

    // Create new global shortcuts
    $('#myTabs li a').each(function () {
        currentTabId = $(this).attr('id')
        if (currentTabId === 'target_Settings') {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateGlobalServicesShortcuts ::: Ignoring settings tab.') // Shortcut for settings tab is already hard-coded.
        } else {
            // dynamic shortcuts for all services (well max. 9 - not all)
            tabCounter = tabCounter + 1

            if (tabCounter < 10) {
                // can't assign shortcuts > 9
                ipcRenderer.send('createNewGlobalShortcut', 'CmdOrCtrl+' + tabCounter, currentTabId) // create dynamic globalShortcut

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateGlobalServicesShortcuts ::: Finished updating global shortcuts for services')

* @function settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService
* @summary Enables or disabled the status of a single user configured service
* @description User can enable or disable his configured services in settings page.
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} configuredUserServiceConfigName - Name of the config file of the selected service
function settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService (configuredUserServiceConfigName) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService ::: Toggling the configured service defined in config file: _' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '_.')

    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    let serviceEnableStatus

    // get content from service configuration file
    storage.get(configuredUserServiceConfigName, function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService ::: Error while trying to get service informations from service _' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '_ . Error: ' + error)
            throw error

        const type = data.type
        const name =
        const icon = data.icon
        const url = data.url
        const injectCode = data.injectCode
        const userAgentDefault = data.userAgentDefault
        const userAgentCustom = data.userAgentCustom

        // get status of enable/disable button:
        if ($('#bt_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).attr('title') === 'enabled') {
            // is enabled - so disable it

            // Status Button
            $('#bt_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).removeClass() // update button type by removing class and ...
            $('#bt_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).addClass('btn btn-secondary btn-sm') // update button type by adding a new class
            $('#bt_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).prop('title', 'disabled') // update button title

            // update button icon
            $('#statusIconService_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).removeClass()
            $('#statusIconService_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).addClass('fas fa-toggle-off')

            // set serviceEnableStatus variable
            serviceEnableStatus = false

            // remove service tab

            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService ::: Service _' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '_ is now disabled.')
            utils.showNoty('success', 'Disabled the service <b>' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '</b>.')
        } else {
            // is disabled - so enable it

            // Status Button
            $('#bt_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).removeClass() // update button type by removing class and ...
            $('#bt_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).addClass('btn btn-success btn-sm') // update button type by adding a new class
            $('#bt_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).prop('title', 'enabled') // update button title

            // update button icon
            $('#statusIconService_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).removeClass()
            $('#statusIconService_' + configuredUserServiceConfigName).addClass('fas fa-toggle-on')

            // set serviceEnableStatus variable
            serviceEnableStatus = true

            // add tab for this enabled service
            addServiceTab(configuredUserServiceConfigName, type, name, icon, url, injectCode, userAgentDefault, userAgentCustom)

            // add service to selectDefaultView
            $('#selectDefaultView').append(new Option(name, configuredUserServiceConfigName))

            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService ::: Service _' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '_ is now enabled.')
            utils.showNoty('success', 'Enabled the service <b>' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '</b>.')

        // update the config of the configured service (status)
        storage.set(configuredUserServiceConfigName, {
            type: type,
            name: name,
            icon: icon,
            url: url,
            injectCode: injectCode,
            serviceEnableStatus: serviceEnableStatus,
            userAgentDefault: userAgentDefault,
            userAgentCustom: userAgentCustom
        }, function (error) {
            if (error) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService ::: Error while trying to update the user service _' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '_. Error: ' + error)
                throw error

            updateGlobalServicesShortcuts() // must re-set the globalShortcuts for all existing services / tabs - see #74

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleEnableStatusOfSingleUserService ::: Service _' + configuredUserServiceConfigName + '_ config file is now updated (status)')

* @function settingsToggleErrorReporting
* @summary Enables or disabled the error reporting function
* @description Enables or disabled the error reporting function
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingsToggleErrorReporting () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    if ($('#checkboxSettingErrorReporting').is(':checked')) {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleErrorReporting ::: Error reporting is now enabled')
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingEnableErrorReporting', true)
        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Error Reporting</u> is now enabled.")
    } else {
        // ask if user really wants to disable error-reporting (using a confirm dialog)
        const Noty = require('noty')
        const n = new Noty(
                theme: 'bootstrap-v4',
                layout: 'bottom',
                type: 'info',
                closeWith: [''], // to prevent closing the confirm-dialog by clicking something other then a confirm-dialog-button
                text: 'Do you really want to disable error-reporting?<br><br>* We don\'t track users<br>* We do collect error reports<br><br>This helps us finding and fixing bugs in ttth',
                buttons: [
                    Noty.button('Yes', 'btn btn-success', function () {
                        utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'settingsToggleErrorReporting ::: Error reporting is now disabled')
                        writeLocalUserSetting('settingEnableErrorReporting', false)
                        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-off'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Error Reporting</u> is now disabled.")
                        id: 'button1', 'data-status': 'ok'

                    Noty.button('No', 'btn btn-secondary ttth_btnDownloadActionWidth float-right', function () {
                        $('#checkboxSettingErrorReporting').prop('checked', true) // revert state of checkbox
                        utils.showNoty('success', '<b>Thanks</b> for supporting ttth development with your error reports.')
                        utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'settingsToggleErrorReporting ::: User cancelled disabling of error-reporting')
                        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Error Reporting</u> is now enabled.")
            }) // show the noty dialog

* @function settingsToggleEnablePrereleases
* @summary Handles toggling the checkbox for the setting/option enable-preleases
* @description Handles toggling the checkbox for the setting/option enable-preleases
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingsToggleEnablePrereleases () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    let newSettingEnablePrereleases
    if ($('#checkboxSettingEnablePrereleases').is(':checked')) {
        newSettingEnablePrereleases = true
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleEnablePrereleases ::: Pre-Releases is now enabled')
        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-on'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Enable Prereleases</u> is now enabled.")
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingEnablePrereleases', newSettingEnablePrereleases)
    } else {
        newSettingEnablePrereleases = false
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsToggleEnablePrereleases ::: Pre-Releases is now disabled')
        utils.showNoty('success', "<i class='fas fa-toggle-off'></i> <b>Option:</b> <u>Enable Prereleases</u> is now disabled.")
        writeLocalUserSetting('settingEnablePrereleases', newSettingEnablePrereleases)

* @function fontAwesomeShowIconGallery
* @summary Reads all user configured service files and adds the enabled services as tabs
* @description Reads all user configured service files and adds the enabled services as tabs
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from configWindow.html
function fontAwesomeShowIconGallery () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

* @function loadEnabledUserServices
* @summary Reads all user configured service files and adds the enabled services as tabs
* @description Reads all user configured service files and adds the enabled services as tabs
* @memberof renderer
function loadEnabledUserServices () {
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: Starting to fetch all user configured service files')

    // loop over all json files - add tab for the enabled ones
    storage.getAll(function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: Error while trying to get all enabled user services. Error: ' + error)
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: Error:', error)
            throw error

        // show object which contains all config files
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg("info", "loadEnabledUserServices ::: Object: " + data);
        // console.error(data);

        // loop over upper object
        for (const key in data) {
            // if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: ' + key)
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: ' + key + ' -> ' + data[key])

            // show enabled configured service
            if (data[key].serviceEnableStatus === true) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: Trying to add the enabled service: _' + key + '_.')
                addServiceTab(key, data[key].type, data[key].name, data[key].icon, data[key].url, data[key].injectCode, data[key].userAgentDefault, data[key].userAgentCustom)
            } else {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: Skipped service: _' + key + '_, as it not enabled.')
            // }
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'loadEnabledUserServices ::: Finished current service: ' + data)

* @function deleteConfiguredService
* @summary Deletes a single configured user service
* @description Removes the tab, deletes the service user config, reloads the settings view which shows all user configured services.
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} serviceId - the service id
function deleteConfiguredService (serviceId) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'deleteConfiguredService ::: Deleting the user service: _' + serviceId + '_.')

    // cleanup after deleting the entire service
    // var webview = document.getElementById("webview_" + serviceId);

    // delete all Event handlers
    $('#webview_' + serviceId).unbind('did-start-loading')
    $('#webview_' + serviceId).unbind('dom-ready')
    $('#webview_' + serviceId).unbind('did-stop-loading')
    $('#webview_' + serviceId).unbind('ipc-message')
    $('#webview_' + serviceId).unbind('new-window')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'deleteConfiguredService ::: Deleted all event handlers from webview')

    // Delete the webview of this service
    $('#webview_' + serviceId).remove()
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'deleteConfiguredService ::: Removed the webview itself')

    removeServiceTab(serviceId) // remove service tab in UI

    // delete json config of this service
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default oath
    storage.remove(serviceId, function (error) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'deleteConfiguredService ::: Error while trying to delete the user service: _' + serviceId + '_. Error: ' + error)
            throw error

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'deleteConfiguredService ::: Finished deleting the user service: _' + serviceId + '_.')
    utils.showNoty('success', 'Successfully deleted the service <b>' + serviceId + '</b>.')

    // reload the main window
    const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')

* @function settingsUserAddNewService
* @summary user wants to configure a new service
* @description user wants to configure a new service. Gets called from mainWindow.html
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function settingsUserAddNewService () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Starting to add a new user configured service.')

    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    // get selected option from #select_availableServices
    const userSelectedService = $('#select_availableServices').val()
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Selected service type is: _' + userSelectedService + '_.')

    if (userSelectedService !== null) {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Should add a new service of type: _' + userSelectedService + '_.')

        // check if this service allows multiple instances
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Checking if the service: _' + userSelectedService + '_ allows multiple instances')

        // Parse service template
        // const url = __dirname + '/js/ttth/services.json'
        const path = require('path')
        const url = path.join(__dirname, '/js/ttth/services.json')

        $.getJSON(url, function (data) {
            $.each(data, function (key, entry) {
                if ( === userSelectedService) {
                    // check if it allows multiple instances
                    if (entry.multiple === true) {
                        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Service: _' + userSelectedService + '_ allows multiple instances')
                        // serviceAllowsMultipleInstances = true;

                        // send ipc to show second window
                        const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
                        ipcRenderer.send('showConfigureSingleServiceWindowNew', userSelectedService)
                    } else {
                        // single instance service
                        utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Service: _' + userSelectedService + '_ does NOT allows multiple instances')
                        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Check if there already exists an instance of the service type: _' + userSelectedService + '_.')

                        // check if there is already a configured service of that type.
                        // check which configs already exist
                        storage.getAll(function (error, data) {
                            if (error) {
                                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: Error while trying to get all user service configurations. Error: ' + error)
                                throw error

                            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', data) // show object which contains all config files

                            for (const key in data) {
                                // if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                                // utils.writeConsoleMsg("info", key + " -> " + data[key]);
                                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', data[key].type)

                                if (data[key].type === userSelectedService) {
                                    utils.showNoty('error', 'There is already a configured service of the type <b>' + userSelectedService + '</b>.', 0)
                                // }

                            const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
                            ipcRenderer.send('showConfigureSingleServiceWindowNew', userSelectedService)
    } else {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'settingsUserAddNewService ::: No service type selected. Unable to add a new service.')
        utils.showNoty('error', 'No service type selected. Unable to add a new service.')

* @function localizeUserInterface
* @summary Localizes the user interface
* @description Is using i18next to localize the user interface. Translations are located in app/locales/.
* @memberof renderer
* @param {string} windowName - ...
function localizeUserInterface (windowName) {
    const isDev = require('electron-is-dev')
    const path = require('path')

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'localizeUserInterface ::: Localizing: _' + windowName + '_')

    // detect user language
    let userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'localizeUserInterface ::: Detected user language: ' + userLang)

    // if the project is not packaged - overwrite the language ...
    if (isDev) {
        userLang = 'en' // to EN. This is used to ensure the screenshots are in the expected language
        // userLang = "pl"; // to PL. This is used to test unsupported languages
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'localizeUserInterface ::: Overwritten user language in dev environment to: ' + userLang)

    const i18next = require('i18next')
    const Backend = require('i18next-sync-fs-backend')

            debug: true, // logs info-level to console output. Helps finding issues with loading not working.
            lng: userLang, // configured user language
            whitelist: ['en', 'de', 'fr'], // supported languages
            fallbackLng: 'en', // language to use if translations in user language are not available.
            ns: 'translation', // string or array of namespaces to load
            defaultNS: 'translation', // default namespace used if not passed to translation function
            updateMissing: false,
            initImmediate: true,
            // path where resources get loaded from
            // loadPath: __dirname + '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
            loadPath: path.join(__dirname, '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'),

            // path to post missing resources
            // addPath: __dirname + '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.missing.json',
            addPath: path.join(__dirname, '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.missing.json'),

            // jsonIndent to use when storing json files
            jsonIndent: 2

    $(function () {
        // attribute: text
        $('[i18n-text]').each(function () {
            const node = $(this); const key = node.attr('i18n-text')

        // attribute: title
        $('[i18n-title]').each(function () {
            const node = $(this); const key = node.attr('i18n-title')
            node.attr('title', i18next.t(key))

        // attribute: placeholder
        $('[i18n-placeholder]').each(function () {
            const node = $(this); const key = node.attr('i18n-placeholder')
            node.attr('placeholder', i18next.t(key))

        // attribute: value
        $('[i18n-value]').each(function () {
            const node = $(this); const key = node.attr('i18n-value')
            node.attr('value', i18next.t(key))

* @function checkNetworkConnectivityPeriodic
* @summary Periodically checks if network access exists or not
* @description Testmethod to inform the user when there is no access to the internet.
* @memberof renderer
* @param {number} timeInterval - The time interval which is used to start re-testing
function checkNetworkConnectivityPeriodic (timeInterval) {
    const isOnline = require('is-online') // for online connectivity checks
    let continuousErrors = 0
    // var intervalID = setInterval(function () { // CLEANME
    setInterval(function () {
        (async () => {
            if (await isOnline() === true) {
                // utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'checkNetworkConnectivityPeriodic ::: Connectivity is OK')
                continuousErrors = 0 // reset counter
            } else {
                continuousErrors = continuousErrors + 1
                // to avoid annoying notifications we report back only if the error happens X times in a row
                if (continuousErrors === 3) {
                    utils.showNoty('error', 'Realizing connectivity issues, please troubleshoot your internet connection if this message appears.')
                    continuousErrors = 0 // reset counter
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'checkNetworkConnectivityPeriodic ::: Connectivity to the web looks broken. (Errors in a row: ' + continuousErrors + ').')
    }, timeInterval)

* @function onMainWindowBeforeReady
* @summary Executed before onReady
* @description launcher for several init methods before jquerys ready signal. Gets called from mainWindow.html
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function onMainWindowBeforeReady () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    checkSupportedOperatingSystem() // check operating system
    titlebarInit() // init the custom titlebar - see #115
    uscu.updateAllUserServiceConfigurations() // update the configured UserServices (introduced with switch from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0)
    checkNetworkConnectivityPeriodic(10000) // start periodic network checker - 10.000 milliseconds = 10 seconds
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'onMainWindowBeforeReady( ::: Finished.')

* @function onMainWindowAfterReady
* @summary Executed 1 sec after onReady code is executed
* @description This method is responsible for the second stage of loading & initializing.
* @memberof renderer
function onMainWindowAfterReady () {
    updateGlobalServicesShortcuts() // update global shortcuts for all loaded / enabled services
    validateConfiguredDefaultView() // validate default view

    // Configure click-handler for navigation/tabs
    $('#myTabs a').click(function (link) {
        let target = link.currentTarget.innerText

        // remove leading space
        if (target.substr(0, 1) === ' ') {
            target = target.substr(1)

        console.log('ready ::: Switched to tab: _' + target + '_.')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'onMainWindowAfterReady ::: Finished.')

* @function onMainWindowReady
* @summary Initialized the application after jquerys ready signal
* @description launcher for several init methods after jquerys ready signal. Gets called from mainWindow.html
* @memberof renderer
* @todo This functions gets ignored for eslint/standardx as it is only called from mainWindow.html
function onMainWindowReady () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    loadEnabledUserServices() // load the configured user services
    initSettingsPage() // init the settings tab
    localizeUserInterface('mainWindow.html') // Translate using i18next

    setTimeout(function () {
        onMainWindowAfterReady() // executing some things later ...
    }, 1000)
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'onMainWindowReady ::: Finished.')

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ipcRenderer things
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* @name reloadCurrentService
* @summary Reloads the current service tab
* @description Called via ipc from main.js  when user wants to reload the current service tab
* @memberof renderer
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('reloadCurrentService', function () {
    let tabValue = $('.nav-tabs .active').attr('href') // get href of current active tab
    tabValue = tabValue.substring(1) // cut the first char ( =  #)

    if (tabValue !== 'Settings') {
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'reloadCurrentService ::: Current active tab is: ' + tabValue)
        utils.showNoty('info', 'Trying to reload the current service: <b>' + tabValue + '</b>.')
        doAnimateServiceIcon(true, tabValue) // Start animating

        // get configured target url & inject code from config
        const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
        utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path
        storage.get(tabValue, function (error, data) {
            if (error) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'reloadCurrentService ::: Error while trying to get a single user service configuration. Service: ' + tabValue + '. Error: ' + error)
                throw error

            const url = data.url

            // Sentry: TTTH-3S
            if (typeof url === 'undefined') {
                // url is undefined
                utils.showNoty('error', 'Trying to reload service: <b>' + tabValue + '</b> failed, as URL is undefined.', 0)
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'reloadCurrentService ::: Reloading current active service: ' + tabValue + ' failed, as its URL is undefined.')
            } else {
                // document.getElementById('webview_' + tabValue).loadURL(url) // see: #186

                // BAUSTELLE
                // #186 - most likely not helping - as the webview in fact still exists.
                if ($('#webview_' + tabValue).length) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'reloadCurrentService ::: Set new URL of service  _' + tabValue + '_ to: _' + url + '_.')
                    // document.getElementById('webview_' + tabValue).loadURL(url)
                    document.getElementById('webview_' + tabValue).reload()
                } else {
                    utils.showNoty('error', 'Trying to reload service: <b>' + tabValue + '</b> failed, as the entire webview itself no longer exists.', 0)
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'reloadCurrentService ::: Reloading current active service: ' + tabValue + ' failed, as the entire webview itself no longer exists.')
                // end of #186

            // TODO
            // inject code
            // var injectCode = data.injectCode;

* @name showSettings
* @summary Activated the settings tab
* @description Called via ipc from main.js  when user wants to see the application settings
* @memberof renderer
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('showSettings', function () {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'showSettings ::: Switching to Settings tab')

* @name startSearchUpdates
* @summary Starts the search for application updates (non-silent)
* @description Called via ipc from main.js  when user wants to know if application updates are available
* @memberof renderer
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('startSearchUpdates', function () {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'startSearchUpdates ::: Show update information div')
    searchUpdate(false) // silent = false. Forces result feedback, even if no update is available

* @name openDevToolForCurrentService
* @summary Opens the developer tools for the current service
* @description Called via ipc from main.js  when user wants to see the developer tools for a single service
* @memberof renderer
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('openDevToolForCurrentService', function () {
    // get href of current active tab
    let tabValue = $('.nav-tabs .active').attr('href')
    tabValue = tabValue.substring(1) // cut the first char ( =  #)

    // This makes no sense on the settings tab
    if (tabValue === 'Settings') {
        utils.showNoty('info', 'This function is supposed to be used on service tabs, not the settings tab.')
    } else {
        // default case
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'openDevToolForCurrentService ::: Trying to open DevTools for current service: _' + tabValue + '_.')
        const webview = document.getElementById('webview_' + tabValue) // get webview
        webview.openDevTools() // Open devTools

* @name nextTab
* @summary Jumps to the next tab
* @description Called via ipc from main.js  when user wants to see jump to the next tab
* @memberof renderer
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('nextTab', function () {
    let currentTabId
    const enabledTabsArray = [] // should store all visible names
    let currentActiveTabId // Id of active tab
    let serviceName // used to call  the function switchToService()

    // get current selected / active tab
    currentActiveTabId = $('.nav-item .active').attr('id')
    currentActiveTabId = currentActiveTabId.replace('target_', '')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'nextTab ::: Active tab is: ' + currentActiveTabId)

    // get list of all visible service-tabs
    $('#myTabs li a').each(function () {
        currentTabId = $(this).attr('id')

        // check if entry is visible or not
        if ($('#' + currentTabId).is(':visible')) {
            currentTabId = currentTabId.replace('target_', '')
            if (currentTabId !== 'Settings') {

    const currentPositionInArray = enabledTabsArray.indexOf(currentActiveTabId) // find position of current tab in the array of enabled services

    // get next array position
    if (currentPositionInArray < enabledTabsArray.length - 1) {
        serviceName = enabledTabsArray[currentPositionInArray + 1]
    } else {
        serviceName = enabledTabsArray[0]

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'nextTab ::: Should switch to: ' + serviceName + ' now.')
    switchToService(serviceName) // jump to next tab

* @name previousTab
* @summary Jumps to the previous Tab
* @description Called via ipc from main.js  when user wants to see jump to the previous tab
* @memberof renderer
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('previousTab', function () {
    // variables
    let currentTabId
    const enabledTabsArray = [] // should store all visible names
    let currentActiveTabId // Id of active tab
    let serviceName // used to call  the function switchToService()

    // get current selected / active tab
    currentActiveTabId = $('.nav-item .active').attr('id')
    currentActiveTabId = currentActiveTabId.replace('target_', '')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'previous ::: Active tab is: ' + currentActiveTabId)

    // get list of all visible service-tabs
    $('#myTabs li a').each(function () {
        currentTabId = $(this).attr('id')

        // check if entry is visible or not
        if ($('#' + currentTabId).is(':visible')) {
            currentTabId = currentTabId.replace('target_', '')
            if (currentTabId !== 'Settings') {

    // find position of current tab in the array of enabled services
    const currentPositionInArray = enabledTabsArray.indexOf(currentActiveTabId)

    // get previous array position
    if (currentPositionInArray > 0) {
        serviceName = enabledTabsArray[currentPositionInArray - 1]
    } else {
        serviceName = enabledTabsArray[enabledTabsArray.length - 1]

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'previousTab ::: Should switch to: ' + serviceName + ' now.')
    switchToService(serviceName) // jump to previous tab

// Call from main.js ::: serviceToCreate (in configServiceWindow)
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('serviceToCreate', function (event, serviceId) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'serviceToCreate ::: Should create a new service of type: _' + serviceId + '_.')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'serviceToCreate ::: Loading default values from service definition')

    // var newServiceId = generateNewRandomServiceID(serviceId) // generate id for new service
    const newServiceId = utils.generateNewRandomServiceID(serviceId) // generate id for new service

    // read json file
    const path = require('path')
    const url = path.join(__dirname, '/js/ttth/services.json')

    $.getJSON(url, function (data) {
        $.each(data, function (key, entry) {
            if ( === serviceId) {
                // update UI with default values

                // button visibility
                $('#bt_saveExistingService').hide() // hide save buttons (only used for editing existing services)
                $('#bt_addNewService').show() // show the add-new-service button

                previewIcon() // preview the icon
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'serviceToCreate ::: Loaded default values for this service-type to UI')

// Call from main.js ::: serviceToConfigure (in configServiceWindow)
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('serviceToConfigure', function (event, serviceId) {
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'serviceToConfigure ::: Should configure the service: ' + serviceId)
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'serviceToConfigure ::: Loading current values from service config')

    storage.get(serviceId, function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'serviceToConfigure ::: Error while trying to load service data for the service: ' + serviceId + '. Error: ' + error)
            throw error

        // update UI of second window

        // button visibility
        $('#bt_addNewService').hide() // hide Add-new-service button
        $('#bt_saveExistingService').show() // show the edit service  button

        previewIcon() // preview the icon
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'serviceToConfigure ::: Loaded current values for this service to UI')

// Call from main.js ::: switchToTab
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('switchToTab', function (event, targetTab) {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'switchToTab ::: Switching to tab: ' + targetTab)
    $('#' + targetTab).trigger('click')

// Call from main.js :::
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('showNoConnectivityError', function () {
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'showNoConnectivityError ::: There is no internet connection.')
    utils.showNoty('error', 'No access to the internet (critical) ', 0)

// Executed from main.js - on-ready-to-show
// Call from main.js ::: on-ready - startSearchUpdates
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('startSearchUpdatesSilent', function () {
    searchUpdate(true) // If silent = false -> Forces result feedback, even if no update is available