
* @file userServiceConfigUpdater.js
* @fileOverview This module contains contains all functions to update the user service configurations after ttth updates
* @author yafp
* @module userServiceConfigUpdater
'use strict'

const utils = require('./utils.js')

* @function  updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0
* @summary Patches the user service configration files on version changes if needed.
* @description Patches the user service configration files on version changes if needed.
function updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 (callback) {
    // changes from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0:
    // - inject files got re-structured. Path & names are stored in the user-services configuration files
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Updating to 1.8.0')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Starting to validate all existing user service configurations (reason: path of inject code files)')

    // loop over all json files - and see if we need to patch something
    storage.getAll(function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Got error while trying to fetch all service configs. Error: ' + error)
            throw error

        // show object which contains all config files
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg("info", "loadEnabledUserServices ::: Object: " + data);
        // console.error(data);

        let shouldConfigBeUpdated = false
        let newInjectCodePath = ''

        // loop over upper object
        for (const key in data) {
            // if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Filename: _' + key + '_.')

            if (data[key].injectCode !== '') {
                switch (data[key].injectCode) {
                // gitter
                case './js/ttth/services/Gitter_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/gitter/gitter_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // googleMail
                case './js/ttth/services/GoogleMail_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/googleMail/googleMail_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // googleMessages
                case './js/ttth/services/GoogleMessages_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/googleMessages/googleMessages_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // icq
                case './js/ttth/services/ICQ_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/icq/icq_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // mattermost
                case './js/ttth/services/Mattermost_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/mattermost/mattermost_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // messenger
                case './js/ttth/services/Messenger_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/messenger/messenger_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // microsoftOffice365
                case './js/ttth/services/MicrosoftOffice365_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/microsoftOffice365/microsoftOffice365_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // microsoftOutlook
                case './js/ttth/services/MicrosoftOutlook_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/microsoftOoutlook/microsoftOutlook_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // microsoftTeams
                case './js/ttth/services/MicrosoftTeams_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/microsoftTeams/microsoftTeams_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // Riot
                case './js/ttth/services/Riot_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/riot/riot_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // skype
                case './js/ttth/services/Skype_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/skype/skype_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // slack
                case './js/ttth/services/Slack_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/slack/slack_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // steam
                case './js/ttth/services/SteamChat_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/steam/steam_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // telegram
                case './js/ttth/services/Telegram_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/telegram/telegram_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // threema
                case './js/ttth/services/Threema_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/threema/threema_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // twitter
                case './js/ttth/services/Twitter_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/twitter/twitter_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // whatsapp
                case './js/ttth/services/WhatsApp_inject.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/whatsapp/whatsapp_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true

                    // xing
                case './js/ttth/services/Xing.js':
                    newInjectCodePath = './js/ttth/services/xing/xing_inject.js'
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = true


                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Found no patch rule for ' + key + '. Skipping to next service configuration')
                    newInjectCodePath = ''
                    shouldConfigBeUpdated = false

            // Update this property - if needed
            if (shouldConfigBeUpdated === true) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Found patch rule for filename: _' + key + '_.')
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Starting to update: _' + key + '_ now.')

                        type: data[key].type, // old value
                        name: data[key].name, // old value
                        icon: data[key].icon, // old value
                        url: data[key].url, // old value
                        injectCode: newInjectCodePath, // NEW VALUE
                        serviceEnableStatus: data[key].serviceEnableStatus // old value
                    }, function (error) {
                        if (error) {
                            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Error while trying to update a service configuration. Service: _' + key + '_. Error: ' + error)
                            utils.showNoty('error', 'Failed to update a user service configuration to 1.8.0 format. Error: ' + error)
                            throw error
            // }
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0 ::: Finished.')

        // do the callback

* @function  updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0
* @summary Patches the user service configration files on version changes if needed.
* @description Patches the user service configration files on version changes if needed.
function updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 (callback) {
    // 1.9.0 introduced userAgents per service. See #158
    // patch all user-services:
    // add: userAgentDefault
    // add: userAgentCustom
    const storage = require('electron-json-storage')
    utils.jsonStoragePathSet() // set default path

    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Updating to 1.9.0')
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Starting to validate all existing user service configurations (reason: adding userAgentDefault and userAgentCustom)')

    // loop over all json files - and see if we need to patch something
    storage.getAll(function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Got error while trying to fetch all service configs. Error: ' + error)
            throw error

        // show object which contains all config files
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg("info", "loadEnabledUserServices ::: Object: " + data);
        // console.error(data);

        let userAgentDefaultMissing
        let newUserAgentDefaultString
        let userAgentCustomMissing
        let userUserAgentCustomString

        // loop over upper object
        for (const key in data) {
            userAgentDefaultMissing = false
            newUserAgentDefaultString = ''
            userAgentCustomMissing = false
            userUserAgentCustomString = ''

            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Current service configuration file: _' + key + '_.') // key = name of json file

            // ensure it is a service-config of ttth - which def. needs to have a type
            if (typeof data[key].type !== 'undefined') {
                // it is a service configuration

                if ((data[key].type.startsWith('google')) && (data[key].userAgentDefault === '')) {
                    newUserAgentDefaultString = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0'
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // service: whatsapp
                if ((data[key].type.startsWith('whatsapp')) && (data[key].userAgentDefault === '')) {
                    newUserAgentDefaultString = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0'
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // service: slack
                if ((data[key].type.startsWith('slack')) && (data[key].userAgentDefault === '')) {
                    newUserAgentDefaultString = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36'
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // general: check if userAgentDefault exists
                if (data[key].userAgentDefault === undefined) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Config for service type _' + data[key].type + '_ has no userAgentDefault yet.')
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // general: check if userAgentCustom exists
                if (data[key].userAgentCustom === undefined) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Config for service type _' + data[key].type + '_ has no userAgentCustom yet.')
                    userAgentCustomMissing = true
            } else {
                utils.showNoty('error', 'Found unexpected service configuration file<br><br>name: <b>' + key + '</b><br>Please reload using CTRL+R<br><br>Reference: #171', 0)

            if (data[key].hasOwnProperty('type')) { // it seems to be a ttth service configuration
                if ((data[key].type.startsWith('google')) && (data[key].userAgentDefault === '')) {
                    newUserAgentDefaultString = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0'
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // service: whatsapp
                if ((data[key].type.startsWith('whatsapp')) && (data[key].userAgentDefault === '')) {
                    newUserAgentDefaultString = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0'
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // service: slack
                if ((data[key].type.startsWith('slack')) && (data[key].userAgentDefault === '')) {
                    newUserAgentDefaultString = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36'
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // general: check if userAgentDefault exists
                if (data[key].userAgentDefault === undefined) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Config for service type _' + data[key].type + '_ has no userAgentDefault yet.')
                    userAgentDefaultMissing = true

                // general: check if userAgentCustom exists
                if (data[key].userAgentCustom === undefined) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Config for service type _' + data[key].type + '_ has no userAgentCustom yet.')
                    userAgentCustomMissing = true
            } else {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: File _' + key + '_ seems not to be a ttth service configuration (missing type).')
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: KeyData:', data[key])
                utils.showNoty('error', 'Found unexpected service configuration file<br><br>name: <b>' + key + '</b><br>Please reload ttth using CTRL+R<br><br>Issue reference: #171', 0)

            // update config if needed
            if ((userAgentDefaultMissing === true) || (userAgentCustomMissing === true)) {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Updating config of service: _' + key + '_.')

                        type: data[key].type, // old value
                        name: data[key].name, // old value
                        icon: data[key].icon, // old value
                        url: data[key].url, // old value
                        injectCode: data[key].injectCode, // NEW VALUE
                        serviceEnableStatus: data[key].serviceEnableStatus, // old value
                        userAgentDefault: newUserAgentDefaultString,
                        userAgentCustom: userUserAgentCustomString
                    }, function (error) {
                        if (error) {
                            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Error while trinyg to update a user service configuration. Error: ' + error)
                            utils.showNoty('error', 'Failed to update a user service configuration to 1.9.0 format. Error: ' + error)
                            throw error
            } else {
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Configuration of service: _' + key + '_ looks good. No need to update it.')
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0 ::: Finished.')

        // do the callback

* @function  updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M10P0
* @summary Patches the user service configration files ...
* @description Patches the user service configration files ...
function updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M10P0 (callback) {
    // do the callback

* @function updateAllUserServiceConfigurations
* @summary Patches the user service configration files on version changes if needed.
* @description Patches the user service configration files on version changes if needed.
function updateAllUserServiceConfigurations () {
    const localAppVersion = utils.getAppVersion()
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurations ::: Detected ttth version: ' + localAppVersion)
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurations ::: Gonna start now to update the local defined service configurations for eac hnew released version. This might take some time...')

    // Previously:
    // Problem: both functions did run parallel - might cause file-blocking
    updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0() // updates needed for 1.8.0
    updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0() // updates needed for 1.9.0

    updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M8P0(function () {
        updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M9P0(function () {
            updateAllUserServiceConfigurationsForM1M10P0(function () {
                // All three functions have completed, in order.
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'updateAllUserServiceConfigurations ::: Finiushed updating all user service configurations')

// Export the functions
module.exports.updateAllUserServiceConfigurations = updateAllUserServiceConfigurations