
 * @file Contains all youtubeDl functions
 * @author yafp
 * @module youtubeDl
'use strict'

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const utils = require('./utils.js')
const ui = require('./ui.js')

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var youtubeDlBinaryDetailsVersion
var youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath
var youtubeDLBinaryDetailsExec

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// YOUTUBE-DL: Arguments which should be filtered out if the user sets them.
// Idea from:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @constant
* @type {array}
* @default
const blacklistedParameter = [

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// YOUTUBE-DL: Binary Details
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* @function binaryDetailsPathGet
* @summary Gets the path to the youtube-dl binary details file
* @description Gets the path to the youtube-dl binary details file
* @return {string} youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath - The actual path to the youtube-dl details file
function binaryDetailsPathGet () {
    const path = require('path')
    const remote = require('electron').remote
    const app =

    var youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath = path.join(app.getAppPath(), 'node_modules', 'youtube-dl', 'bin', 'details')
    return (youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath)

* @function binaryDetailsValueGet
* @summary Gets all values from the youtube-dl binary details file
* @description Gets all values from the youtube-dl binary details file
function binaryDetailsValueGet (_callback) {
    const fs = require('fs')
    youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath = binaryDetailsPathGet() // get the path to the details file

    fs.readFile(youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath, 'utf8', function (error, contents) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'binaryDetailsValueGet ::: Unable to read youtube-dl binary details values. Error: ' + error + '.')
            throw error
        } else {
            const data = JSON.parse(contents)

            youtubeDlBinaryDetailsVersion = data.version
            youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath = data.path
            youtubeDLBinaryDetailsExec = data.exec

            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryDetailsValueGet ::: Version: ' + youtubeDlBinaryDetailsVersion + '.')
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryDetailsValueGet ::: Path: ' + youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath + '.')
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryDetailsValueGet ::: Exec: ' + youtubeDLBinaryDetailsExec + '.')

            // var currentDetailsValue = data[value]

            // utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'binaryDetailsValueGet ::: youtube-dl binary details value is version: _' + currentDetailsValue + '_.')

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// YOUTUBE-DL: Binary Path
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* @function binaryPathGet
* @summary Gets the path to the youtube-dl binary file
* @description Gets the path to the youtube-dl binary file using getYtdlBinary()
* @return {string} youtubeDlBinaryPath - The actual path to the youtube-dl binary
function binaryPathGet () {
    const youtubedl = require('youtube-dl')
    var youtubeDlBinaryPath
    youtubeDlBinaryPath = youtubedl.getYtdlBinary() // get the path of the binary
    // utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryPathGet ::: youtube-dl binary path is: _' + youtubeDlBinaryPath + '_.')
    return (youtubeDlBinaryPath)

* @function binaryPathReset
* @summary Resets the youtube-dl binary path in details
* @description Resets the youtube-dl binary path in details
* @param {string} path - The path to the youtube-dl details file
function binaryPathReset (path) {
    const fs = require('fs')

    fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', function (error, contents) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'binaryPathReset ::: Error while trying to read the youtube-dl path. Error: ' + error)
            utils.showNoty('error', 'Unable to read the youtube-dl binary details file. Error: ' + error)
            throw error
        } else {
            const data = JSON.parse(contents)
            var youtubeDlBinaryPath = data.path
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryPathReset ::: youtube-dl binary path was: _' + youtubeDlBinaryPath + '_ before reset.')

            // now update it
            if (youtubeDlBinaryPath !== null) {
                // update it back to default
                data.path = null
                fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(data))
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryPathReset ::: Did reset the youtube-dl binary path back to default.')
                utils.showNoty('success', 'Did reset the youtube-dl binary path back to default')
            } else {
                // nothing to do
                utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryPathReset ::: youtube-dl binary path is: _' + youtubeDlBinaryPath + '_. This is the default')
                utils.showNoty('info', 'The youtube-dl binary path was already on its default value. Did no changes.')

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// YOUTUBE-DL: Binary Update
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* @function binaryUpdateCheck
* @summary Checks if the yoututbe-dl setup allows updating or not
* @description Checks if the yoututbe-dl setup allows updating or not
* @param {boolean} [silent] - Boolean with default value. Shows a feedback in case of no available updates If 'silent' = false. Special handling for manually triggered update search
* @param {boolean} [force] - If progressing is forced or not
function binaryUpdateCheck (silent = true, force = false) {
    ui.windowMainApplicationStateSet('Searching updates for youtube-dl binary')

    // check if we could update in general = is details file writeable?
    // if not - we can cancel right away
    var youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath = binaryDetailsPathGet()
    utils.canWriteFileOrFolder(youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath, function (error, isWritable) {
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'binaryUpdateCheck ::: Error while trying to read the youtube-dl details file. Error: ' + error)
            throw error

        if (isWritable === true) {
            // technically we could execute an update if there is one - so lets search for updates
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateCheck ::: Updating youtube-dl binary is technically possible - so start searching for available youtube-dl updates. Silent: _' + silent + '_ and Force: _' + force + '_.')
            // var isYoutubeBinaryUpdateAvailable = binaryUpdateSearch(silent, force)
            binaryUpdateSearch(silent, force)
        } else {
            // details file cant be resetted due to permission issues
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('warn', 'binaryUpdateCheck ::: Updating youtube-dl binary is not possible on this setup due to permission issues.')

            if (silent === false) {
                utils.showNoty('error', 'Unable to update youtube-dl as ' + youtubeDlBinaryDetailsPath + ' is not writeable. This depends most likely on the package/installation type you selected')

* @function binaryUpdateSearch
* @summary Searches for youtube-dl binary updates
* @description Searches for youtube-dl binary updates
* @param {boolean} silent - Defaults to true. If true, the progress is silent, if false there is info-feedback even if there is no update available
* @param {boolean} force - Defaults to false. If enabled the update is forced even if there isa no update available (replacing the existing)
function binaryUpdateSearch (silent = true, force = false) {
    var remoteAppVersionLatest = '0.0.0'
    var localAppVersion = '0.0.0'
    var versions

    const urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags = '' // set youtube-dl API url
    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Start checking _' + urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags + '_ for available youtube-dl releases. Parameters are silent: _' + silent + '_ and force: _' + force + '_.')

    // var updateStatus = $.get(urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags, function (data, status) {
    $.get(urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags, function (data, status) {
        // 3000 // in milliseconds

        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Accessing _' + urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags + '_ ended with: _' + status + '_')

        // success
        versions = data.sort(function (v1, v2) {
            // return,;

        // get remote version
        remoteAppVersionLatest = versions[0].name
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Latest Remote version is: ' + remoteAppVersionLatest)
        // remoteAppVersionLatest = '66.6.6'; // overwrite variable to simulate available updates

        // get local version
        binaryDetailsValueGet(function () {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Fetched all values from details file')
            localAppVersion = youtubeDlBinaryDetailsVersion

            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Local youtube-dl binary version: ' + localAppVersion)
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Latest youtube-dl binary version: ' + remoteAppVersionLatest)

            if (force === true) {
                binaryUpdateExecute() // we are updating - ignoring what is currently installed
            } else {
                if (localAppVersion < remoteAppVersionLatest) {
                    utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Found update for youtube-dl binary. Ask the user if he wants to execute the update now')

                    // ask user if he wants to open all those urls
                    const Noty = require('noty')
                    var n = new Noty(
                            theme: 'bootstrap-v4',
                            layout: 'bottom',
                            type: 'info',
                            closeWith: [''], // to prevent closing the confirm-dialog by clicking something other then a confirm-dialog-button
                            text: 'Do you want to update youtube-dl now from <b>' + localAppVersion + '</b> to <b>' + remoteAppVersionLatest + '</b>?',
                            buttons: [
                                Noty.button('Yes', 'btn btn-success mediaDupes_btnDefaultWidth', function () {
                                    id: 'button1', 'data-status': 'ok'
                                Noty.button('No', 'btn btn-secondary mediaDupes_btnDefaultWidth float-right', function () {

           // show the noty dialog
                } else {
                    if (silent === false) {
                        utils.showNoty('info', '<b>No youtube-dl binary update available</b><br>You are already using the latest binary version of youtube-dl')

        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Successfully checked ' + urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags + ' for available releases')
        .done(function () {
        // utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Successfully checked ' + urlGitHubRepoTags + ' for available releases');

        .fail(function () {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Checking ' + urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags + ' for available releases failed.')
            utils.showNoty('error', 'Checking <b>' + urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags + '</b> for available releases failed. Please troubleshoot your network connection.', 0)

        .always(function () {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateSearch ::: Finished checking ' + urlYTDLGitHubRepoTags + ' for available releases')

* @function binaryUpdateExecute
* @summary Updates the youtube-dl binary
* @description Updates the youtube-dl binary
function binaryUpdateExecute () {
    // const youtubedl = require('youtube-dl')
    const downloader = require('youtube-dl/lib/downloader')

    const remote = require('electron').remote
    const app =
    const path = require('path')
    const targetPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'youtube-dl') // set targetPath

    // start downloading latest youtube-dl binary to custom path
    downloader(targetPath, function error (error, done) {
        'use strict'
        if (error) {
            utils.writeConsoleMsg('error', 'binaryUpdateExecute ::: Error while trying to update the youtube-dl binary at: _' + targetPath + '_. Error: ' + error)
            utils.showNoty('error', 'Unable to update youtube-dl binary. ' + error, 0)
            throw error
        utils.writeConsoleMsg('info', 'binaryUpdateExecute ::: Updated youtube-dl binary at: _' + targetPath + '_.')
        utils.showNoty('success', done)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports.blacklistedParameter = blacklistedParameter
module.exports.binaryDetailsPathGet = binaryDetailsPathGet
module.exports.binaryDetailsValueGet = binaryDetailsValueGet
module.exports.binaryPathGet = binaryPathGet
module.exports.binaryPathReset = binaryPathReset
module.exports.binaryUpdateCheck = binaryUpdateCheck
module.exports.binaryUpdateSearch = binaryUpdateSearch
module.exports.binaryUpdateExecute = binaryUpdateExecute